The GG Approach

Giant Pod built by Giant Grass

Giant Pod built by Giant Grass

Today I’m looking at Giant Grass (GG), and Australian company that promotes bamboo as a sustainable material in the building industry. No, they aren’t building high-risers, but instead create the designs and frames for small structures such as tents.

Like other businesses I’ve looked at, a huge focus for GG is communicating bamboo’s value-added to end-users. To achieve this, the team emphasizes the low cost and beauty of the material, which is the same route Grass Frames has taken. What’s interesting is that GG acknowledges that even they are still learning all the applications and benefits of bamboo, and that the material is more complicated than just applying it to building projects. As a result, Giant Grass has evolved their communication with their customers to better fit their methods of production.

One form of monetization for Giant Grass is through workshops they provide to their customers. Ranging from 1 day to 1 week, GG creates an atmosphere that is easy to learn in, challenging their clients through hands-on production of bamboo products. This two-way communication is a great way to gather feedback and engage their target audience, and is the first of it’s kind that I’ve seen in the bamboo field. I’m also betting that it’s a great way to test out how new products can be worked, while it allows GG to understand how their clients view bamboo and what preferences they may have.

Beginners learning how to build with bamboo

Beginners learning how to build with bamboo

Most importantly, Giant Grass tailor each workshops to the level and age group of the participants, so children can do one thing while adults work on a completely different project. Being inclusive of everyone may make targeting a specific individual more challenging, but it does allow more flexibility with potential clients and orders. Suffice to say, the workshops by Giant Grass are definitely something I’ll check out next time I’m visiting Australia!

One thought on “The GG Approach

  1. Hi Sam,

    Thanks for the great post. I love how the bamboo can be used for design and construction. The picture you have of the tent looks amazing! The tent looks just like the incredible tents in South African safaris. I think that Giant Grass has a lot of opportunities for bamboo in the building industry. Those tents can be used in tourist resorts around the world.

    I also like how they promote education and awareness of bamboo use through workshops. Providing workshops is great in engaging people while teaching them that bamboo is a sustainable but usable alternative. This is a closed loop, which educates but also attracts potential customers.

    The company culture of Giant Grass seems great! The company is open to continued learning and developing new applications for bamboo. If many other companies had that spirit, then it would be a better world. haha


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