Business Ethics: Employee Benefits & Obamacare

Recently, with the implementation of Obamacare, many American companies have cut back their employee’s hours so that these employees would not be eligible for health care. Companies such as SeaWorld, an Orlando based amusement park company, and Forever 21, a fashion clothing store targeting young girls, have been getting media speculation because of their plan to cut back employee work hours. The Obamacare states that companies with more than 49 employees must either pay for their (full time) worker’s health care or pay a fine. In the states, working a minimum of 30 hours a week qualifies you as a full time employee. As a result, companies are demoting their employees to part time and cutting back work hours to just under 30.

In my opinion, this is extremely unfair to all the employees who work hard at their job. If the government is implementing a health care system that will benefit the citizens, everyone should be able to have access to these benefits. The fact that these companies are cutting back employee work hours to avoid paying for Obamacare shows that the company is only interested in it’s own wealth and not the well being of its stake holders. All companies should provide decent benefits to their employees to create a better, more supportive work environment.


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