Wells Fargo fires workers for opening fake accounts to meet sales goals.


Wells Fargo recently accused some of its workers of forging bank accounts to meet sales quota. Roughly 30 employees were fired recently for taking shortcuts to meet goals. One employee admits to forging signatures and creating new accounts under some clients’ name without them knowing.

I believe it is completely unethical for these employees to forge these accounts because by forging accounts, because they are essentially going against the values of the bank. Banks are built on credit and trust, and thus, they were fired.

However, with the immense pressure to meet sales goals at the company, I understand their reasoning for forging accounts. An employee stated that managers forced them to stay late and call friends and family if they weren’t able to meet the quota during the day. This heavy emphasis on meeting the sales goal can easily distort the employee’s value about the company.

I think the best approach to this problem is for the managers to understand that some goals are unrealistic and that there are many competitor banks out there. Operations and marketing can also think of better incentives for people to open an account at Wells Fargo so employees wouldnt have to forge to meet sales goals.


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