Linking Assignment Post No. 3

Helen Rogan – Task No. 3 – Voice to Text

Helen’s task no 3 resonated with me because she talked about how she met her husband. I was interested because I also talked about how I met my husband. When recording our unscripted story, we both felt that there were really important parts of the story that we missed. If we had scripted it in advance, the story would have been more complete. There were a number of places where it was confusing because the voice to text app was limited. For example, we both found the lack of punctuation to be problematic which created one long run on sentence. We both use the same app to do this activity. 

We also ran off into tangents sometimes because our thoughts are not planned out. When you are speaking, there is much more context, but when reading just the text, it was a little confusing to follow as to when the main story is happening and when the person that is telling the story is telling a side story. 

Helen and I both used the UBC blogs and we both have a similar format and layout. She had a link on the top which made accessing her tasks very easy. Once on the tasks page, her posts are posted chronologically. She also had a main page which tells the reader about herself. My blog was formatted exactly the same way. A benefit of using this is that the audiences can easily find what they need when there are more posts. It also organizes all the posts into categories that make sense instead of all the posts in chronological order which most blogs use. 

Linking Assignment Post No. 2

Alanna Carmichael  – Task No. 3 – Voice to Text

Alanna’s task no 3 resonated with me because the picture of her dog caught my attention. I have two small dogs about the same size and my husband has a golden retriever. We have three dogs in the family! We also ran into the problem of our small dogs’ fur getting too long. I had to make my husband groom them eventually because we did not want to risk going out to our groomer. They turned out fine. 

Regarding the assignment, one of the problems that we both ran into is lack of punctuation. We used a different tool and her assignment showed some punctuation  here and there while mine was just a giant sentence unless I told the app where to apply punctuation. I did not realize the importance of punctuation until I read something without them. It is both confusing and it could change the meeting of a sentence entirely. 

We both agree that although these voice to text apps are advertised as a tool to help students, oftentimes, it will become troublesome and confusing for students to use due to the difference between written and oral output. Even if an oral output is scripted, it will vary greatly from something that is meant to be written. 

Alanna and I both used UBC blogs as our platform but our textural architecture is quite different. Alanna has all her posts on the front page in chronological order. The problem with this is if there are posts in different categories, trying to find something from the same category would become difficult. If this was used as a content management system for a course website, students will have trouble looking for past content that they might need. However, if her site is used for something like a current issues page, it would be ideal as the most current posts are always on the top left. 

I did my page more like a course website in which I have all my weekly assignments under one tab. The students can easily go to that section if they need to access a specific document or posts. 

Task No. 7: Mode-bending

Here’s the  video that I created for this task.

When I did task one, my 1.5 year old son, Dreydon, was in the room with me. He had no idea what I was working on and so did not show any interest. However, when I did this task, after I finished my video, I played it on the big screen and he was quickly intrigued but what was going on.

Shortly, I saw him take my Minnie Mouse wristlet and he began to take things out and looked at them. I find it quite interesting and suitable for this week’s readings on how multi-modal literacy is important in education, especially in younger students.

Linking Assignment Post No. 1

Tyler Graham – Task No. 1 – In my Bag

Tyler’s Task no. 1 resonated with me because we were born in the same generation. I am just four years younger. I don’t consider myself a millennial or a Gen-Xer so I agree with him that we qualify as an “Xennial”. We are the generation that grew up analog and became digital. We were the generation that finally caught up with digital technology when we grew up. We are no longer seen as the old people that don’t know tech. 

Even though I am proficient in technology, I still prefer some traditional ways of doing things. For example, I use google calendar but I still keep a paper agenda to write down all the things that I need to do. I still prefer paper assignments to digital. I still keep a handwritten grade book in addition to the digital one because I am afraid that something would happen and I will lose all my marks. I have been assured multiple times from the tech  department that they back up multiple times but I still do what I do.

Tyler and I both used the UBC blogs as our platform and although there aren’t a lot of assignments yet, Tyler has already set up headings across the top making it very easy to access his posts. I had something similar but I like to group all my weekly tasks together to create a cleaner look.  Both of our pages are easily accessible and intuitive to the audience. The main difference is that because he speaks French, he has defaulted his page to French. I don’t speak French at all but I can still look for things around his page. He also did not introduce himself on his website so I wouldn’t have known that was Tyler’s page if it wasn’t linked to his name on Canvas. 

Task No. 6: Emoji Story

At the beginning, I was so excited about this assignment because who doesn’t love emojis? I use emojis all the time when I am communicating and I find that an emoji can represent my feelings better than just words. 

Shortly into this assignment, I was so frustrated as it became very difficult to convey what I am trying to say with just emojis. I thought I knew my emojis very well but I had to scroll through them over and over again just to find the right one to use. Most of the time, it didn’t even make complete sense. I thought this would be an easy assignment that might take me an hour at maximum to complete. I ended up doing this through a couple of days because I would sit there for half an hour being frustrated about not finding the right emoji to use. I also had trouble with using the emoji from the keyboard so I had to use my phone. 

For this task, I relied more on ideas and the actual words instead of syllables. I find that using syllables would be very confusing as the reader wouldn’t know when you are using syllables and when you are using the actual objects without prior explanation. I started with the title right away. I asked at least ten of my friends if they knew which movie I was referring to and only two of them were able to guess the right answer. 

Something that might be logical to me might not be for someone else. The two friends that guessed it correctly are also my closest friends that know what kind of movies I like. I feel at least in part this was the reason they were able to guess correctly.

I did choose the movie based on how easy it was to visualize. I had a couple of movies in mind that I wanted to do but quickly scrapped the idea. It’s either that the title gives it away (ie: Harry Potter lightning) or that the synopsis is way too long or abstract. I ended up with my choice of movie because I had a general idea of what main emojis I wanted to use. 

Doing this assignment makes me wonder if this is exactly how people in prehistoric times communicated. Our emojis are basically hieroglyphics. I find that thought interesting. Although I love using emojis, I would still prefer to use words if I can only choose one mode of communication.

Task No. 4: Manual Script


Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain.

When I have to write an essay, I normally type, but when I give comments on students’ work or when I tutor, I write by hand. This task was not difficult for me because I am used to writing and I like it. I have always been told that my penmanship is amazing which has kept me writing.

What did you do when you made a mistake or wanted to change your writing? How did you edit your work? Did your choice of media play a part in how you edited your work?

When I made a mistake or wanted to change my writing, I just erased it because I used an erasable pen. I actually had to do a draft prior to writing my good copy which took up some time. When I type out my work, I rarely do a draft because I can just edit my work in real time. I was extra careful when writing out my story as I did not want to redo the entire thing. 

What do you feel is the most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms of writing? Which do you prefer and why?

The most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms of writing is the amount of time it takes. It took me thirty minutes just to write out my good copy of the essay while it will only take me under five minutes to type out the entire thing. Another significant difference is spell check. When I was writing out my essay, I realized that I had to double check a couple of words  because I was not sure if I was spelling them correctly. I had relied on spell check for so long that I didn’t even realize I had forgotten the correct spelling of so many words. My preference would highly depend on what I need to do. If I need to write an essay or communicate with parents, I would much rather type. However, if I need to give feedback, due to all the symbols in chemistry and math, it would be much easier for me to write rather than trying to type up a chemical equation.

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