Helen Rogan – Task No. 3 – Voice to Text
Helen’s task no 3 resonated with me because she talked about how she met her husband. I was interested because I also talked about how I met my husband. When recording our unscripted story, we both felt that there were really important parts of the story that we missed. If we had scripted it in advance, the story would have been more complete. There were a number of places where it was confusing because the voice to text app was limited. For example, we both found the lack of punctuation to be problematic which created one long run on sentence. We both use the same app to do this activity.
We also ran off into tangents sometimes because our thoughts are not planned out. When you are speaking, there is much more context, but when reading just the text, it was a little confusing to follow as to when the main story is happening and when the person that is telling the story is telling a side story.
Helen and I both used the UBC blogs and we both have a similar format and layout. She had a link on the top which made accessing her tasks very easy. Once on the tasks page, her posts are posted chronologically. She also had a main page which tells the reader about herself. My blog was formatted exactly the same way. A benefit of using this is that the audiences can easily find what they need when there are more posts. It also organizes all the posts into categories that make sense instead of all the posts in chronological order which most blogs use.