Task No. 3: Voice to Text Task

Voice to Text Story from https://speechnotes.co/

For this voice to text tax I would like to talk about the story of how me and my husband met I’ve actually talked about my story a couple of times for example and I wedding Eastern party but I’ve always liked that was always special to me so I tell you guys a little bit more i’m so about 5 years ago it was September I remembered my at was at work so we’re both teachers and my department head. To look over because we where we need to hire another person for our department and so I looked at this resume I didn’t know then but eventually you turned into my future husband but I looked at this resume and thought to myself besides background he’s also passionate music and so on and so I had a pretty good impression of him from his resume. At the interview I interviewed him and eventually he got the job and I think we started dating just just about half a year after we met the more I got to know him the more I thought that we were meant to be because not only did and and we went to the sisters and brothers like a Catholic school so he went to Vancouver call academy and they’re just sisters and brothers Catholic schools of each other but the funny thing is it probably X and after that after that we went because we didn’t really want to work at the same school as my husband because then you have nothing to talk about because you’ll be at school and we’re in the same department and so I start looking for another job the the Catholic School. It was an all-boys and they had an opening and I was like oh my gosh I could never I can never teach at an all-boys School it was my husband told me to call anyways and so I did and I got the job which is the current School. And I love it so much that I was always afraid of but it just so happens that it really suited me and so other things that I thought it was meant to be between me and my husband we were actually born in the same Hospital. Excuse my mom about which hospital I was born in and then he was talking to his mama’s so I thought that was quite amazing as well and of course I like to be Cantonese and so our family background quite similar as well and so I think all of these things put together make me think that this was meant to be and then there’s probably a reason why I didn’t met him earlier because I feel like this is the right time that I’ve met him at the right part of my life where I careers of has been expecting another baby girl coming in and so that’s our story


The dictation derived from the voice to speech program is very different from the way I speak or write.  Speaking is more casual while writing is more formal. It seemed very different when I needed to say the actual punctuation marks in order for them to show up. My voice to text speech ended up just like a bunch of long run-on sentences. 

There are so many things that are wrong in the text. Some parts of texts are missing. Some words turned out to be something else. It did not have any punctuation so it makes it very difficult to comprehend. The majority of the content is right but might just make sense to me since I know my own story. If someone else was to read this story, they might not be able to comprehend.

Some common mistakes in the text include words that turned out wrong because they didn’t fit into the sentence. The missing punctuation marks were the most obvious mistakes. 

If I had scripted the story, I would probably have spoken more slowly and clearly. The words might be more accurate. The flow of the story might also be better. I did stop for a brief moment during my recording because I was trying to think about what to say next. Some contents were also out of order because I added parts of it later. 

Oral storytelling is more dynamic. It is different every time and you can provide different emphasis using different tones. On the other hand, written storytelling is more structured because the writer can plan ahead what he or she plans to say since it is static and lacks emotion, word usage and description become much more important.

2 Replies to “Task No. 3: Voice to Text Task”

  1. Great story especially the ending part: “I feel like this is the right time that I’ve met him at the right part of my life”. And congratulations on the new baby girl coming soon? (I think). I can empathize with the wanting to add bits in but they seem to be in the wrong place and the need to circle back. Punctuation and time to revise in written format does add to the clarity of a story but the emotions don’t come through as easily and as you say more descriptive words are needed in writing. If is funny you say this as I was thinking that I wished I had used more adjectives and richer words in my own oral story. I so agree! I am not sure how much writing your students do in Chemistry class but this reminds me of my English students’ writing at times! Run on sentences that need more descriptive details. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!

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