Tyler Graham – Task No. 1 – In my Bag
Tyler’s Task no. 1 resonated with me because we were born in the same generation. I am just four years younger. I don’t consider myself a millennial or a Gen-Xer so I agree with him that we qualify as an “Xennial”. We are the generation that grew up analog and became digital. We were the generation that finally caught up with digital technology when we grew up. We are no longer seen as the old people that don’t know tech.
Even though I am proficient in technology, I still prefer some traditional ways of doing things. For example, I use google calendar but I still keep a paper agenda to write down all the things that I need to do. I still prefer paper assignments to digital. I still keep a handwritten grade book in addition to the digital one because I am afraid that something would happen and I will lose all my marks. I have been assured multiple times from the tech department that they back up multiple times but I still do what I do.
Tyler and I both used the UBC blogs as our platform and although there aren’t a lot of assignments yet, Tyler has already set up headings across the top making it very easy to access his posts. I had something similar but I like to group all my weekly tasks together to create a cleaner look. Both of our pages are easily accessible and intuitive to the audience. The main difference is that because he speaks French, he has defaulted his page to French. I don’t speak French at all but I can still look for things around his page. He also did not introduce himself on his website so I wouldn’t have known that was Tyler’s page if it wasn’t linked to his name on Canvas.