Linking Assignment Post No. 2

Alanna Carmichael  – Task No. 3 – Voice to Text

Alanna’s task no 3 resonated with me because the picture of her dog caught my attention. I have two small dogs about the same size and my husband has a golden retriever. We have three dogs in the family! We also ran into the problem of our small dogs’ fur getting too long. I had to make my husband groom them eventually because we did not want to risk going out to our groomer. They turned out fine. 

Regarding the assignment, one of the problems that we both ran into is lack of punctuation. We used a different tool and her assignment showed some punctuation  here and there while mine was just a giant sentence unless I told the app where to apply punctuation. I did not realize the importance of punctuation until I read something without them. It is both confusing and it could change the meeting of a sentence entirely. 

We both agree that although these voice to text apps are advertised as a tool to help students, oftentimes, it will become troublesome and confusing for students to use due to the difference between written and oral output. Even if an oral output is scripted, it will vary greatly from something that is meant to be written. 

Alanna and I both used UBC blogs as our platform but our textural architecture is quite different. Alanna has all her posts on the front page in chronological order. The problem with this is if there are posts in different categories, trying to find something from the same category would become difficult. If this was used as a content management system for a course website, students will have trouble looking for past content that they might need. However, if her site is used for something like a current issues page, it would be ideal as the most current posts are always on the top left. 

I did my page more like a course website in which I have all my weekly assignments under one tab. The students can easily go to that section if they need to access a specific document or posts. 

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