Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Artifact Unearthed: Unlocking History’s Mysteries
In my original post, I adopted a serious tone when analyzing the contents of my bag, delving into how they influence my current lifestyle. However, for this task, I decided to embark on a playful podcasting journey that invited irreverence and a lighthearted approach. Reading about the New London Group and multi-literacies opened my mind to the many ways one can present content, each imbued with a distinct purpose and meaning for both the author and the audience. Particularly, I found the element design wheel intriguing as it framed each mode of meaning and its specific elements. This framework directed my focus towards audio and linguistic design, shaping my word choices, sound effects, and tonal shifts. As a performer at heart, creating a podcast was well within my comfort zone, but it was equally crucial to remind myself of the purpose and significance behind the content I was presenting, considering how it would be received and processed by the listener.
The process of transforming content from one medium to another had its share of highs and lows, presenting both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, podcasts serve as an auditory medium capable of captivating audiences through storytelling, music, and sound effects, offering a more immersive experience compared to static text and images. Podcasts also extend accessibility to a broader audience, including those who prefer audio content or have visual impairments, thereby enhancing inclusivity. This realization emerged after completing the readings. I originally hadn’t thought of inclusiveness when changing to an auditory medium. Strong emotional connections are made in podcast form through voice, tone, and inflection, forging a deeper bond with listeners. The multifaceted nature of podcasts, which combines elements like spoken word, music, and interviews, creates a rich, multisensory experience catering to various learning styles.
Transitioning from one medium to another does present challenges. Not all content translates seamlessly between mediums, and preserving the essence and key points of the original content can be a formidable task, especially when opting for a playful approach as I did. The podcast production process, encompassing recording, editing, and audio mixing, can be time-consuming and necessitate technical skills and equipment. Thankfully, tools such as Spotify for Podcasters streamline the process, making it accessible to a broader range of creators with just a smartphone and an internet connection. Adapting content length to the podcast format can prove tricky, as pacing and duration often differ from written content, necessitating careful crafting to convey the message effectively within the desired timeframe. I noted that it was easy to go long and expand points. After a few takes it was clear that concise is key.
Turning to my redesign process, I recognized the significance of thorough planning. Devising an original framing for the podcast was pivotal, accompanied by a detailed analysis of the original content. This involved identifying key points, understanding the narrative structure, and pinpointing visual elements that required translation into audio. Scriptwriting emerged as the next challenge, demanding the delicate task of maintaining the core message while adapting it to the spoken word format. My primary focus remained on constructing a compelling narrative, leading to the creation of a futuristic show that “discovered” the bag and utilized it to reflect upon a different era. The recording and editing process was streamlined with the use of Spotify for Podcasters, a familiar tool from a previous project involving the Louvre. Transitioning music and sound effects played an instrumental role in crafting an engaging story, enhancing the podcast’s overall appeal.
As previously mentioned, the readings from the New London Group and the exploration of multi-literacies significantly influenced my thought process. Shifting from a producer-centered approach where satisfaction was paramount, I transitioned to a consumer-centered mindset, focusing on what future listeners would find enjoyable. This shift underscores the remarkable impact of changing the mode of delivery on the outcomes and reception of content.
Hi Simon!
I must confess, I was struggling with this task way back when and decided to look at fellow classmates’ blogs when I came across yours. Of the web spaces I visited, none had completed this task yet until I found yours, so thank you for posting earlier than the deadline! 🙂 I thought your podcast was perfectly executed in every aspect from writing, style, humour, theatrics and sound effects that I truly wondered how I could make mine just as unique. My favourite lines that got me chuckling: “Indeed it is!!” , “Intriguing indeed!!” and “Until next time, keep your bags closed and your curiosity aflame!” ???? ???? ????
What platform did you use to record and add sound effects? Your sound quality is crisp and clear.
Thanks for the positive comment, Laura. The app used to be called ‘Anchor’ but it was purchased by Spotify. It’s an app that’s now called ‘Podcasters’ and it’s AWESOME!!!! You can make everything on the app with no outside editing needed. I really like it and I find it easy to use.
GOOD LUCK and enjoy!!!!
Oops I guess my emojis didn’t come through. The ???? ???? ???? Was the cry laughing emoji.