Letter of Application

123 Fake Street
Vancouver BC V3J 2A9
September 13, 2016

English 301: Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4


Dear classmates:

Please consider my application as a member for the team writer position posted on the English 301 99A course website. I am a third year Computer Science student with a previous degree in Psychology from SFU. Dr. P. Crowe, my sponsor professor, described his time at UBC and encouraged me to pursue a second degree. I intend to be committed and supportive towards my writing team in accomplishing our tasks on time.

My writing skills are specialized in research, analysis, and limited technical writing. During my undergrad years, I have taken five writing intensive courses including the SFU’s version of technical writing six years ago. This experience, combined with SFU Psychology department’s demanding APA guidelines has given me the capacity to write in a clear, straight forward tone, within limitations. I have also worked as a freelance legal document creator for a local business, further demonstrating my capability in writing.

During my undergrad years at SFU, I had been given tasks to conduct research on undergraduates and create papers analyzing my findings with other published academic works. My writing style was to be concise, within guidelines, and meaningful. The work ethic made me to be team orientated, pay special attention to detail, and thrive in tight deadlines.

As a supervisor at a local Starbucks, I am well aware of the importance a team effort has for a successful outcome. Moreover, as an amateur programmer, I know that hard work and persistence is the key to success.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to have a positive impact on our writing team with my skills and prior knowledge. If you’d like to follow up on me, please contact me through Facebook group message (Steve Lee) or email me at syl24@live.com.


Steven (Seungyup) Lee


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