Unit 3 Reflection Blog – Formal Report Draft

Unit 3 Reflection Blog

November 21, 2016

“YOU” Focused Writing

Reflecting on unit 3 assignments, I have learned about the process of putting together a formal report with the use of “YOU” focused writing style. Having written many psychology papers, it was extremely challenging to write a “YOU” focused style papers. I have been trained to avoid such wording and crafted essays that focused on the subject, instead of writing with the “YOU” in mind.

Collection of Data for Formal Report Draft

Researching for the formal report draft was a difficult and time consuming task. Having to gather the necessary people and taking their time of the day to collect survey data was not simple as I had initially thought. However, I am very grateful to the people whom have taken a part of the data collection portion. The research did not yield a conclusion that challenge the status quo of the current state of Starbucks Canada. Organizing the formal report was and is still an ongoing challenge that I have great deal of stress with. I have been more oral in communicating with coworkers and upper management staff members during the years, having to write it on paper was very challenging and organizing in an effective manner is still challenging.


Survey Result – “Design Satisfaction”

Peer Review Process

The peer review of the formal report really opened my eyes to what an effective formal report may look like. I have reviewed Ajay’s work and it was much better than the sample formal report that has been illustrated in the textbook. The use of design was something that hadn’t occurred to me and, it gave a boost to the overall esthetics of the paper.


URL of Formal Report Draft: LINK

URL of Ajay’s Peer Review of My Formal Report Draft: LINK


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