Final Reflection – Process of Creating a Web Folio

Unit 4 Web Folio Reflection

December 4, 2016

The Process

I have chosen to transform my ENGL 301 blog into my Web Folio due to WordPress’ flexible layout style and the ease of transition, without having to move a bulk of my documents. Having to collect all the necessary items, as well as to selectively curating what to post was a difficult decision to make. Looking back to what I have accumulated this semester, I honestly feel glad that ENGL 301 was one of my first classes I have taken at UBC. The class helped me realize that my writing skills have degraded over the hiatus I have taken after my graduation from SFU, and I have also learned that I can still gainĀ a trick or two.

The Final Product

After putting together my final pieces to my Web Folio, I had a moment of “self-congratulatory” silence. It’s been a difficult transition from full-time work to schooling again. Looking at the Web Folio, it helped me realize my passion for web-development, which was forgotten during my full-time work years, and I need to develop more meaningful skills such as computer language proficiency.

The Future

By learning the proper way to communicate and write within a technical setting, I am confident that I can effectively succeed in the future, wherever it may be. I have enjoyed ENGL 301 and I highly recommend it to others as the class teaches you fundamental communication skills.

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