UBC’s ENGL 301

What is UBC’s English 301?

UBC’s English 301 is an English technical writing course that involves the study of principles of written and online communications in business and professional contexts. The course itself is offered in-class or online. This blog will follow the chronicles of the online adventure in 2016-winter semester.

The course includes discussion of and practice in the preparation of abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence and online communications: emails, texts, Web Folio and networking. This meaning that the course has adapted to the new Internet era and is fully embracing the technical advances in the workplaces. Allowing students to get prepared for full integration into the workforce, in terms of communications skills, by the time they graduate. There is an emphasis on collaborative work, networking, and communication. Skills those are fundamental in order to be an effective workforce member.

My expectations?

My expectations for this class is to better myself as a whole. I have taken a basic technical writing course before and it had help me in the past. Now I would like to take it further. I hope to gain some insight into proper ways of communicating within the workforce. Instead of Google searching my way through the work place, I hope to gain some professional account into communicating with others properly. I am also looking forward to challenging what I have already known, to improve my communication skills interpersonally. Also, I hope to collaborate with other people on projects. I love to make new friends by having group work, and ENG 301 sounds like it will fit the bill. Last, by the end of this semester, I hope to produce some awesome work that will dwarf what I am typing at this moment. Coming back from a year hiatus, my writing skills are very rusty.

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