Unit 2 Reflection Blog – LinkedIn’s Usefulness

Unit 2 Reflection Blog

October 27, 2016


Reflecting on this week’s assignments, I was taken by surprise how useful, intimidating, and sophisticated LinkedIn is. Creating the correct kind of profile was a big challenge to me as I have never used such a website to present myself. I hope to use what I have learned from this experience to improve upon my LinkedIn profile in the future.


My mini-LinkedIn Profile Screenshot

Formal Report

As the weekly assignment on our webpage indicates, I have complied my Formal Report proposal and the outline. It has been an exhilarating experience. I truly feel passionate about making a change in how Starbucks Canada operates. Even if the report fails to be conclusive or does not yield any support for the idea, I feel good to actually have a positive input to the company that I feel passionate about. As of now I am waiting for the green light from Dr. Paterson to approve of my research topic, I hope she agrees with me and I cannot wait to collect data to see if any significant amount of people are willing to come on board with the idea. Reflecting on my peer reviewer, I can tell he was happy with the ideas presented. Ajay was kind enough to suggest fixes for grammatical errors and the environmental factors I haven’t thought of. As I reviewed Ajay’s proposal, I learned that an in depth scope would help with the research part, as I have focused on what the company would like, rather than the impact that it may cause for the surrounding industry.

Peer Review of LinkedIn Profiles

Finally, both my peer review of Jade‘s LinkedIn profile and Ajay’s proposal allowed me to revise the style I write it. I have been writing in a casual tone while I was out of school for a year and a half. I must retool my writing style that is suitable to academic writing. I was very impressed with Jade’s writing and Ajay’s ambitious proposal, it made me realize that I should really focus and work harder to keep up to their level of writing. Last, I feel that by having the peer review process, I have been a little more cautious about what I write and how I present the idea. It occurred to me that I have an impactful way of writing, that is not suitable for professional grade.


DOC file of Revised Proposal with Peer Reviewer’s Input


Hyper Link to Peer Review of my Proposal


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