
My Academic and Professional Interests


My academic background is nested in Psychology and History. I am a graduate of SFU with a BA in Psychology (Adolescent Behaviorism concentration) with a minor in History (Asia-Pacific region). However, I always had an affinity towards the Computing Sciences, thus have plunged myself back into school to pursue a degree. Most of my studies centered on human behavior with cause-and-effect type of research. Although the currently most popular school of thought of Psychology has renounced behaviorism, I like to believe that the behaviorist school has the most amount of potential to positively influence the human race. I have chosen history as a minor because I thought that historical events have profound influences in the present and the future. Concentrating my studies within the Asia-Pacific region, I have mostly studied about North America’s interaction with the Asian nations. If I were to sum up what I have learned within my degree program, I’d like to write that human beings are irrationally predictable. History repeats and yet is always different.

My professional interest revolves around the technology sector. I am very interested with how the technology sector is performing and I always try to keep up with the latest trends. In the past I have founded a small Internet startup and have competed in competitions for funding from VCs. I have learned so much from the experience and I was amazed how technology related businesses could be created so easily. By pursuing a Computer Science degree, with the prior knowledge I have earned, I hope to return back to the startup scene, having the skills and business savvy necessary. Currently I am working as a barista after a career burnout working for a small independent technology company as a mobile software engineer, specializing in R&D.

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