
This document refers to the learning module accessible at: .

This module is part of a grade 10 information technology course and the targeted learners are junior high school students in the public system. The learning objectives for the entire course have been regrouped in criteria that correspond to a badge. The course is “pass or fail”, and in order to pass it, students have to obtain all the badges. Although it is up to students to decide the order for completing the badges, some have to be completed within the first weeks of the course because they address more basic skills. This particular module on collaboration is one of them, and students are required to complete it within the first three weeks of the course. I used Moodle as a platform again, simply because it is the only one that matches the requirements for my work place in terms of privacy and support.

The module targets two main learning objectives. One is for students to learn some basic strategies in order to make collaboration more effective. The second is to help students become more proficient with the technical and practical aspects of online tools for collaboration. In a previous module, students learned to navigate the learning platform and the procedure to communicate with the teacher. The overall design aims at providing a learning experience that is easy to follow, intuitive, and flexible. In order to promote deeper learning, most of the content is revisited several times during the module and will also be reinforced through the learning activities of some other badges. For the visual elements, I opted for a clean design in order to draw the students into the learning activities while minimizing distractions. The content is also broken down into five sections (pages), so students would not feel overwhelmed. Most task can be accomplished in relatively short period of time before moving to the next level. The idea being that small successes will be preferable to sustain students’ interest as opposed to a longer list of tasks that can easily overwhelm them. The tasks are also increasing in complexity as the students progress.

Design features

-Introductory Video

The goal with the video was to provide a hook as well as a rational to learn about collaboration. Despite my struggles with my narration skills, I elected to appear as the presenter, so students get to see me in person before they join me in a video-conference later in the module.

-Grey boxes

These boxes are present for each page of the module and provide information about the learning goals and the task required. I formatted them that way to make a clear distinction between instructions and content.

-The green arrows at the bottom of each page

Their purpose is to allow navigation to anywhere from anywhere in the module, and the grey arrows indicates the current location within the module.


All headings are one size larger and in bold characters to make scanning easier. I experimented a lot with the font type for the body text and, after may different combinations and consultations, I decide that the font Arial was the easiest to read on the greatest variety of screens.

-The larger green arrows

As with the videos, these arrows are centered to signify that an action is required, (either watch a video or access an external resource). The links to external resources open in a separate window so the users do not get lost. For the quizzes, I inserted a link into the feedback comments, so students can find their way back to the main pages of the module. If students are successful with the quiz, they are redirected to the next level, if not, they are redirected to the previous task.


The videos are embedded in the page to facilitate viewing without interrupting the flow.

-The Moodle Choice application

I initially wanted to use Google calendar to get students to book a time for the Hangout because students are less likely to use Moodle outside of school, and it made sense to get them to learn applications that they are more likely to use. I decided to use the Moodel application because it is much easier to manage and very intuitive. Students are already signed up, the layout is very simple, the application is only one click away, and students can see who signed up for each option.



I am still in the process of developing the questions, but set up the shell for now. For the first quiz, the goal is simply to ensure that students have read and viewed the material. I have set a wait time (disabled for now) for one hour between each trial as an incentive for students to make am effort to go through the material rather than trial and error. The second quiz will involved open question and will allow to assess for deeper understanding.


The Hangout session will also allow the teacher to assess students understanding live thus ensuring that students have not cheated in the quizzes.

Self reflection reports

The first one, in task 3, is mainly to familiarize the students with the process. The last three are do be done in sequence, so students can get feedback before they do the next one. Evidence of learning can be observed in the students ability to recognize problems and identify appropriate solutions for them. The reports also have to be submitted the same tool students are learning to use thus providing another opportunity for practice and informal assessment.

Bugs to work out

Text alignment

I am still looking for an easy way to put the main body into a container that is equal in width to the grey boxes (900 pixels).

Teacher email

I want to use one email only where, and I have to wait to talk to my IT department. For security reasons, our IT department will not use Gmail for students, rather they have integrated the school’s email server with Google Apps For Education.

Student progress tracking within each module

The badge themselves are easy to manage. Once a student has completed the requirement for a badge, the teacher adds the badge logo to the student’s Moodle profile. I would like to find an application within Moodle to keep track of students progress within each of the modules (badges)For now, I will have to keep track of students progress on an external application.

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