Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments

The time has arrived and I am back on track!  I began my Masters for the second time a couple of weeks ago, and I am once again filled with expectation.  I hope I don’t break my back or something stupid like that 😉

As I begin my first course (ETEC510) about the design of technology-supported learning environments, I have been asking myself what it is about technology and education that holds such a draw for me?  Is it the ease that it provides me, as an educator, with everything I need at my fingertips?  Is it the high level of engagement that I see in the students whenever technology is involved?  I think it is a combination of the two, and the enhancements that technology can bring to my teaching, no matter what subject or grade level I am working at.

We are being asked to design a project for the course, in a group of 4-5 people.  One of the ideas that has come up is to do something related to Arts Education and Technology.  I am excited to get going on this and have a few good ideas.  It seems that there are a lot of really keen minds in the group, and I am thoroughly engaged by the conversations that are going back and forth, although they are time consuming to keep up with at times.  The other project that we have to contribute to is a Wiki, where we will need to work with a partner on a contribution to a Wiki about Technology-supported learning environments.  I am thinking about seeing if anyone would like to write something up about iPads or about MuseScore software in the classroom.

I am pleased to see that the readings for this second module are about designing constructivist learning environments, which is something that I have had a lot of experience with through my years with the PYP and MYP programs.  The International Baccalaureate’s primary and middle years’ programs are built upon a constructivist foundation, and this is something I have had to explore in great depths in previous years with my work for the IB.  It is great to see this philosophy being placed front and centre here, and to be able to read the highly academic articles with a good level of understanding.

Some of the responses to readings so far have been highly academic.  I was initially worried that I would not be able to swim in this pond, having been out of school for so many years.  I have resolved myself to not worry too much about it.  I can say what I need to say without making it too complex or academic.  I think I proved this in the first round of discussions.  So… it is off to the races! So far so good.  Staying away from trampolines of all sizes for the time being. 🙂

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