Off to a rough start…

This is the month that I finally began my Masters in Educational Technology, the program that I have been humming and hawing about for several years.  This past spring, I finally took the plunge, applied to the program and was accepted.  It was a milestone that I had been dreaming about for many years. The build-up was almost too much for me, and when the moment finally arrived earlier this month, I was like a kid in a candy store…

Life had other plans in store for me though, and I suddenly found myself lying in hospital with a broken spine.  It all happened in the blink of an eye, and I am still reeling in shock, if I am honest with myself.  And so, I sit here in my bed writing this blog post, admitting that this is not the start I had hoped for.  I have been in no position to even attempt to keep up with the readings or postings for the first three modules… even though the will was there.  There just wasn’t a way.  Perhaps if I had been home in Vancouver, with family there to read the articles to me while I lay in bed… but I am overseas in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  Although I have a “family” of sorts here, through my workplace, with incredibly supportive friends and colleagues, there are limits to what I feel comfortable asking them to do.

An incredibly supportive and understanding professor has been my life-line, allowing me to continue the course with an alternate schedule.  I am finally getting on my feet a bit this week, and have started to catch up on the readings.  I managed to get my hands on a computer table that will allow me to use my laptop while laying down without putting a strain on my back, which has made typing so much easier.  The iPad is great for reading and highlighting articles, but typing on it from a horizontal position is challenging for me.

All that being said… I think that I may finally be finding my way through this maze of emotion, pain and disappointment.  This too shall pass, they say, and I have to believe that.  Although I am still in considerable pain, there was no permanent damage to my body.  I am thankful for this.  I am also grateful that I will be able to forge ahead with this little dream of mine to pursue my Masters.  It has been a long time coming.  I am grateful for the small mercies.

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