
In the International Baccalaureate, one of the attributes of the learner profile that is taught to the students is to be BALANCED.  I was remembering the lyrics that my students wrote last year when I was teaching Music in Tanzania.  The verse about being balanced was clever:

“When you’re balanced, your brain works in different ways, learning Math, Science, Music and PE.  Fitness and intelligence go hand in hand and they help us to be all that we can be!” (See more on my MuseScore account)


I am coming out of a month of high stress, tremendous change, and not a lot of balance, I’m afraid.  I found myself thinking about this as I drove home from dropping the kids off at school.  It is so difficult to find balance at the moment.  I am working full time on the MET program this year, and have enrolled in three courses this semester.  Classes began the day after the children and I arrived at our new home in Switzerland, and I have been playing catch up since I arrived.

On top of this, my back is still not 100%, and I am meant to be focusing more on this while we are here in Switzerland, the land of great doctors.  I hardly have time to go for a walk, let alone find room in my world for a physiotherapist.

And so… it starts today.  My day of balance.  If I am going to be effective at any of the roles I have, I need to start with balance.  Deep breath…

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