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Archive for September, 2011


You have probably noticed  changes happening to  your facebook profile already. The annoying live feed that make it easier for people to stalk each other and the unnecessary ‘actual size’ of  photos that take way too much space on your screen. However, facebook is not done yet. The CEO of facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has announced […]

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Lulu is seaweed-less

  Born and raised in Vancouver,  Lululemon clothing line has always been applauded for its enviornmental-friendliness, ethics and of course, its skin tight yoga pants that makes every butt look great. In 2007, with the launch of VitaSea shirts, questions were also raised  whether just how much is Lululemon living up to what they claim […]

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Hello world!

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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