Protecting Your Privacy on the New Facebook

This article, published by The New York Times, details the privacy updates implemented by Facebook last year. Facebook’s new search tool update allowed complete strangers to browse user profiles and see just about anything they want. The issue that arose was that Facebook users were already uneasy about what information could be leaked via their Facebook profile. This update only increased concerns.

It is well known that Facebook generates most of its revenue from advertisements. The update was tailored towards advertisers so that it could be easier for them to build target audiences. They would then be willing to pay for more advertisements, thus increasing Facebook’s revenue stream.

The question to be asked is whether it is ethical for Facebook to make users’ personal information more accessible to generate profit. In my opinion, Facebook has done nothing wrong. To paraphrase Milton Friedman, it is the duty of a business to do whatever it takes to maximize profits so long as they are abiding by the law. This is exactly what Facebook has done. I believe that if Facebook users are paranoid about certain information being exposed, then that information should have never been posted on social media to begin with.


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