Tae's Blog

Just another UBC Blogs site

Sexual Harassment at Workplace

It is surprisingly easy to meet people who have experienced some kind of form of sexual harassment in their workplace. According to the statistics in 2015 from a survey conducted by the Huffington Post, 1 out of 3 women have been sexually harassed at work, and specifically, over forty percent of women who had non-managerial […]

Servant Leader?

“Servant Leader”. When I first heard the term, “Servant Leader,”  I found it immediately interesting because it seemed like an oxymoron. How can a leader who is supposed to lead followers be a servant? According to the Comm 292 textbook, servant leadership is “a leadership style marked by going beyond the leader’s own self-interest and […]

Labour Leads to Love, The “Ikea Effect”

Do you know that cliché scene in a romantic comedy where the interested male invites over a female he is infatuated to watch him prepare a meal for two? Ever recognized that dinner doesn’t last very long, and before you know it, they’re exploring something more affectionate? “Ikea Effect” is a psychological phenomenon that “describes […]

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