Tae's Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

Millennials in the Workplace

Incorporating individuals from diverse cultures, different genders and various ethnicities within a corporation is valuable to any leader. While corporations appear to be utilizing this perspective to enhance their production and commitment to social responsibility, age, or more specifically, generation is an aspect of diversity that I feel is neglected. This negligence is especially pronounced […]

What Drives Students to Universities?

What drives students to universities? Do students go to universities purely because of their passion towards higher-level education, or is it because their passion towards an easier route to a satisfied and potentially wealthy future? In Exploring Ethan Tam’s blog post “What is a student’s motivation?” I started questioning the reasoning behind the pursuit of […]

Sleeping at Work, Where is the Border Between Work and Home?

Sleeping at work, where is the border between work and home? In William Huang’s blog post ‘Sleep at Work?’ he discusses employees purposefully sleeping at work in Japan and its distinctive work environment when compared to Canada. In fact, the trend has a specific term in Japanese, ‘inemuri’, which literally means ‘to be asleep while […]

Sexual Harassment at Workplace

It is surprisingly easy to meet people who have experienced some kind of form of sexual harassment in their workplace. According to the statistics in 2015 from a survey conducted by the Huffington Post, 1 out of 3 women have been sexually harassed at work, and specifically, over forty percent of women who had non-managerial […]

Servant Leader?

“Servant Leader”. When I first heard the term, “Servant Leader,”  I found it immediately interesting because it seemed like an oxymoron. How can a leader who is supposed to lead followers be a servant? According to the Comm 292 textbook, servant leadership is “a leadership style marked by going beyond the leader’s own self-interest and […]

Labour Leads to Love, The “Ikea Effect”

Do you know that cliché scene in a romantic comedy where the interested male invites over a female he is infatuated to watch him prepare a meal for two? Ever recognized that dinner doesn’t last very long, and before you know it, they’re exploring something more affectionate? “Ikea Effect” is a psychological phenomenon that “describes […]

Walmart; Falling Prices, Frowning Faces

Is it possible for a firm to increase its profits by increasing employee wages? “Save money. Live better.” The slogan of Walmart’s main homepage reflects the firm’s primary characteristic and aim. Known for offering products at competitive price points, Walmart’s success was about saving consumer dollars, not providing customer service, resulting in an employee base of […]

Chinese Banking on American Hotels

Each day, the number of Chinese tourists across the globe rapidly increases. For instance, approximately 2m Chinese visit the US every year, but by the end of the decade, this is expected to reach 3m. To both accommodate and benefit from this trend, the American hotelier market is expanding, with significant investment from Chinese nationals […]

Mobile: the Next Platform for Nintendo

While browsing through classmates’ blogs, Michelle Kwok’s submission, titled “Mobile Nintendo?” had several interesting perspectives on Nintendo’s current business decisions that I found relatable and largely support. Nintendo is a Japanese company that started the “era of living-room gaming.” Nintendo is often credited as the precipitator for an enormous consumer base today with companies like Sony […]

Smart Beezness: Technologies Keep The World’s Bees Buzzing

The rapid declining population of bees are a significant concern for both scientists and entrepreneurs who capitalize on their production. Bees play an imperative role in the human food chain through pollinating a majority of global crops for consumption. The bees’ role is pertinent in sustaining the world’s physiological needs as well as the economy […]

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