Taha Bhopalwala's Blog Express

Freemium games: not so free!

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In one of my Comm 101 guest lectures on Operations, Mr. Mahesh Nagrajan spoke about his experience of working with a  freemium game company Candy Crush Saga and I was intrigued by the idea of such firms. I always wondered how an easy concept of charging a minimal amount to progress in virtual game could be so profitable. I was further fascinated by the operations and the core idea to generate revenues using this business model by watching a SouthPark video on Youtube. The video explains the role of micro financing (spending in…read more


Customer service fails the company

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While reading my peer’s blogs I came across an interesting post about the inefficiency of Air Canada and how they have been unable to keep their stakeholders happy. Two of Air Canada’s main stakeholders are employees and customers  and the firm has managed to keep both dissatisfied. Due to Air Canada’s new policy, it’s customers are reluctant and angered as a result they do not treat the employees with respect. Lack of respect from customers has lead to demotivation of the employees. A demotivated workforce leads to bad service and…read more


Is research important over necessity?

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While reading my peer’s blogs I came across an interesting argument he put forward in one of his blogs, India’s budget mission to Mars, that speaks about cost reduction due to advancement in technology. I agree with him on the fact that technology can be helpful and cost efficient, however researching and developing new technology is expensive. Hence research and development involves high amount of opportunity cost. In my opinion research and development should be done in productive use. Considering this example, although it is cost effective, the mission to mars costed…read more


Do more customers mean less losses?

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In the recent years Investors have been losing patience with Twitter as a result there has been panic sales of the company’s shares. Although Twitter has been benefiting from an increase in it’s revenues, it has also been experiencing consistent losses that has forced the CEO to change his strategies. The article, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Struggles to Define Vision, reveals Twitter’s way of dealing with the situation by targeting a larger customer base. Twitter is a great source of information, and has an increasing market growth and market share, however the firm fails to…read more


When minimum wage promotes capital use

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It has been long debated that firms often exploit their employees and are the major reason for problems relating to human resources. This misconception often leads us to believing that firms are always at fault; however a recent movement form pressure groups (Labor Unions) to increase the minimum wage rate shows another side of the argument. A recent article, “Minimum Wage Backfire”, revealed that the pressure groups have been misusing their power. McDonalds, one of America’s leading fast-food franchise, has been the target of these groups. Earlier this summer CEO…read more


Environment: the evergreen target for collateral damage

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Most of the modern economic decisions involve a dilemma between short-term benefits and long-term externalities. This can be best explained by the tension between oil sands industry and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) committee. The have had a persistent debate over the protection or annihilation of the environment of Alberta. The article, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations Chief draws a line in sand, talk about the various implications that economic decisions have had in the past. The article is based on the interview of ACNF’s chief explaining the community’s viewpoint of how…read more


Why third party monitoring is essential for investors?

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  Over the past years corruption in India has been exacerbating; scams involving ridiculously high monetary values have been regularly catching the headlines. One such example is the infamous Satyam scam: B Ramalinga Raju, the Chairman of Satyam Computers Services Ltd, along with his other 13 representatives deceived their shareholders and investors by releasing manipulated account details and made a illegal profit of Rs. 2000 crore (approx. USD 3.2 billion). The scam was in practice for 9 years and was not caught by SEBI until 2009. This incident brings up a…read more


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