Globalisation: Not the responsibility of one organisation

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As a part of our Comm101: Class 20 Prep we were asked to answer the following question: If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

My response:

I believe that in order to establish and maintain a global community, where every entrepreneur thrives and there is a collective uplifment of all societies, it is the responsibility of each individual to contribute to this idea and not leave it on one organisation to handle.

Through the Arc initiative we have seen that small initiatives can make a big impact and actually transform lives into being better and more efficient than before. Social entrepreneurs have impacted the world in their own innovative ways, hence promoting such personalities would help the world collectively as it full fills the basic motive of business: to make profit. Unlike charitabe or non-profit firms/organisations that struggle to find sources of finance and have to work as a loss or depend on voluntary help the concept of being a social entrepreneur is a win win situation since it earns profit while giving back a lot more to the society and benefitting collectively.

Depending on one organisation to solve every issue can be time consuming and more expensive in the long run where as small contributions from individuals lead to a large collective benefit, hence despite being fully funded United Nations may not be the best option for mankind therefore we require initiatives like the Arc or many social enterprises for a better tomorrow.



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