What went wrong in the 7th week.

What went wrong in the 7th week.

Professor gave me a new TradeSim account this week, since my previous account was really close to bankruptcy (as I explained in my last week blog). Hopefully I will do pretty good with the new account as I already know how it works.
There are some important events during last seven days.
About Hurricane Sandy
Crop, oil and metals prices mostly fell as Hurricane Sandy caused the first weather-related stock market closure in 27 years.

About Exchange rate
The dollar’s strength was negative, making commodities priced in the greenback less affordable to those holding the euro. The U.S. currency ran up as the euro fell on uncertainties on whether Greece could agree to a deal on austerity and whether Spain would request for aid. A fall of the euro on uncertainty over whether Greece can agree to a deal on austerity and with no sign of when Spain might request aid, provided support by potentially helping EU grain exports.

About Analysis from SovEcon
Russian agricultural analysts SovEcon said on Monday it expected Russian grain exports to be weak in the coming months, but shipments would continue as wheat buyers seek supplies to make up for the expected ban on Ukrainian exports

Because of the the  Hurricane Sandy, I lost few thousand dollars a the beginning of the week. However, with the new account I hope I will have a better performance.

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