Response to Blackberry’s Passport Strategy

This is a response to Tianye’s views on Blackberry’s strategy with the new Passport.

I definitely agree that Blackberry’s aims with the Passport are those of a Differentiation Focus Strategy– to offer a smartphone with android technology and Blackberry’s famed security options which is aimed specifically at the business industry. Tianye also talked about the broad android user group which could increase the market.

However, I think it’s also important to highlight the fact that Blackberry is also seeking to expand its market segment by reducing the relative price of the Passport to its Apple and Samsung rivals– hence potentially extending to a broader user group beyond business professionals to people who are used to the android system and might want to explore Blackberry’s security features whilst under a tighter budget.

There’s a huge potential for growth- provided Blackberry retains their current position on the “business/ personal security” ladder, and takes advantage of the virtually untapped “smartphone keyboard” market. I disagree with Tianye on Blackberry’s need to “center its resources and actives to the innovative designs that is able to open up another market thus become a first mover” , and believe that Blackberry should not overstretch itself by expanding to other innovative designs but instead concentrate on its current strengths and establishing a broader market base with the technology they already have.

I believe that Blackberry has already done a tremendous job in the business market segment, emphasising Security, cybersecurity, (and) personal identity production,” and if they are able to sell the importance of personal security to the mass public, they could expand their market extensively. They also should keep updating and adding features to their keyboard, as this is a key point of difference in their products from other smartphones.

Yes, they were late to the smartphone market– but we’re talking about the secure data, keyboard-functionality, android smartphone market here!

Oh, and the fact that they’re Canadian based could totally be a point of difference for them too!

The world is there- Blackberry just has to reach out and tell the world why it’s there and what it has to offer.






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