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Archive for October, 2011

For some reason, many mistake a free market as synonymous to capitalism. The 2008 crisis proves that this is not the case! Free markets provide perfect competition, letting the market regulate itself, whereas capitalism now is made up of 5 gigantic companies controlling the entire market! If that is not enough, then those 5 companies take the money that the small […]

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While all over the news there are reports are showing images of Steve Jobs and his great success, he also experienced FAILURES. Steve Job’s success did not come easily! While studying in college, he had to drop out after the first term, because his adopted parents were unable to finance his tuition fees. Yet Steve Jobs […]

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This week I had an accounting class, in which I asked my fellow students if I could borrow their notes because I had missed a class.  I asked five different people and received a creative variety of excuses why they could not give me their notes. Embarrassed, I ended up asking my professor if I couldborrow […]

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  As a great lover and supporter of the electric car, I was furious to see that even though GM and Honda had  created perfect cars back in 1990, and the pilot customers who had received the cars were all extremely satisfied and wished to purchase them once the lease expired, yet  GM and Honda called […]

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