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Archive for November, 2011

Seth Godin’s blog provides fun and inspirational topics. It enriches you with skills and ideas of how to improve your competitive advantages, as well as providing one with successful tools and knowledge to succeed in the competitive business market. Seth has a rich background in marketing. He founded Yoyodyne , one of the first internet […]

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Linkedin launched in May with great success. On the first day it started trading with an initial price of $45 and by the end of the first day it reached $122.70. Just two weeks ago, it was Groupon’s turn to raise capital and they too, showed gains on their first day of trading starting at $20, and […]

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Chan criticizes the inefficiency that stands behind any business decision that is for sustainability. Chan “conveniently” neglects to point out that sustainability not only brings profit, but also depletes resources. If Governments and business firms focus only on present profit gain, and ignore the “sustainability” side, there will be no future business for anyone, because […]

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Back in 2000, Nike purchased software (i2 demand-planning software) that supposedly can foresees the quantity recommended to produce by evaluating past sales.  Sounds good?  The forecast caused Nike a loss of $100 million! The idea is logical. Nike is such a huge company that it is hard to create orders based on intuition alone; however, trusting a computer […]

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Bellack points out the importance of a supply chain to a company, however she neglects to mention why it is important? It is important to note that the reason the supply chain is so important is because the supply chain is the heart and soul of the company- without it there is no company! If the marketing and sales teams […]

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“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” Conard Hilton – Entrepreneurship success Some call it luck, others call it destiny, but evidently there are some people out there that simply know how to do the right thing. This is the art of the entrepreneur […]

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