Social enterprises are becoming increasingly popular. The definition varies and can be really broad. Social entrepreneurs always seek social good, they make money in order to reinvest it and expand their business. Social entrepreneurs offer innovative solutions to social and societal issues that are not addressed by governments. They seem to be more economically efficient than charities.
More and more social entrepreneurs launch their companies, there is a real diversity of fields. Social enterprises can be micro-finance institutions, likeĀ Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank, as well as small craft businesses like Salem’s Ethiopia, or even skateparks.
In fact, ‘The Factory Skatepark’, a skatepark located in one of Dundee’s (Scotland) least favored areas, won the Social Enterprise of the Year award a few days ago. It is helping out the community by providing a place to have fun for young (and less young) people, with various clubs and extreme sports infrastructures. It is also employing people from the area. The fact that such an initiative won the award shows that social enterprise doesn’t necessarily have to help the poorest people in the poorest countries, but can benefit to any part of society who might need it.