Apple Commits to Safe Workplace


If you knew that the iPhone and MacBook that you’re using was made in a manufacturing facility that puts its workers at risk, would you still buy these products?


Apple, one of the largest tech companies in the world, recently launched an investigation that looked into the cleaning products and degreasers used in its factories. The investigation came after activist groups launched petitions to ban the chemicals Benzene – a carcinogen – and n-Hexane – which causes nerve damage – from being used in Apple’s factories. Once the 22 facilities had been visited, Apple concluded that the health of workers was not being put at risk, although 4 facilities had traces of the chemicals.


Even though no health risks were uncovered during the investigation, Apple tightened up their restrictions on regulated substances to prohibit the use of the two chemicals. By maintaining labor standards for its workers, Apple is showing that it is not only committed to making high quality products, but also ensuring the safety of its workers. This commitment to health and safety will benefit Apple because it shows consumers that they care about their laborers. In today’s society where so many people are concerned about how companies treat their employees, Apple is succeeding in gaining the approval of its consumers.  This approval will lead to an increase in profits, which will benefit stockholders.


Sources: BBC, Supply Management

Header photo: iPhone


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