Amazon announces same day delivery

Recently, Amazon announced that it would begin to offer same day delivery in Vancouver and Toronto. This service is available on online orders made before noon. Introducing same day delivery in parts of Canada will help Amazon to compete with large Canadian retailers and retailers across the border during the holiday shopping season. Not all products will be eligible for same day delivery. Hundreds of thousands of items including electronics and household necessities will be eligible.   As same day delivery is fairly new in Canada, operational problems could emerge quickly. Possible problems could include orders not being processed properly and products not being delivered on time. Since customers will be paying upwards of $10 for this service, they might be extremely unhappy if they don’t get their order. In order to handle any problems with this new service, Amazon must have an effective call center that is able to handle any customer complaints/problems. This starts with organizational culture. If Amazon has an organizational culture where employees respect customers and act in a polite and helpful manner, then Amazon should be able to effectively integrate same day delivery into their company.

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