Appalling Advertising Inevitable

“Coming and happening” – NHL chief operating officer John Collins’ words regarding jersey sponsorship.

In professional sports, advertising is a primary revenue stream. Advertising can be seen painted on football fields, ice rinks, and basketball courts. Many professional European hockey and soccer teams allow sponsorship on player’s jerseys. Yet, none of the major North American professional sports leagues allow jersey sponsorship (apart from the company who made the apparel).

Since team owners and league personnel are always looking for ways to increase revenue and profits, it is inevitable that jersey sponsorship will be coming to a pro sports team near you.

As an avid sports fan, I hope that it is a while, or never, before jerseys becomes a significant advertising platform. Firstly, ads on jerseys would look bad and take away from classic jerseys. How would the New York Yankees classic pinstripe jersey look with a multitude of brand logos on it? The answer is NOT VERY GOOD. Furthermore, I think that jerseys sales would plummet if leagues starting placing advertising on jerseys. I wouldn’t want to buy my favourite player’s jersey if it was splattered with advertisements.

I realize that in the near future, all pro sports jerseys will have some form of advertising on them. I just hope that the leagues prioritize keeping the classic looks of jerseys over the revenue they would gain by ruining them.

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