Posted by: | 29th Sep, 2012

Taking Things Overseas

I recently read an article on Bloomberg called “RIM Releasing Blackberry on Six Continents to Reach Faithful”. In this article, Hugo Miller focuses on the fact that RIM is looking towards overseas customers so as to offset the shrinking Blackberry popularity in North America. My analysis shows that this is a smart idea for RIM especially seeing as the new iPhone5 has just been released and will create a tough market competition for RIM and their release of the new Blackberry 10. In the article, its states that a  big concern for RIM is the fact that they do not have the support of the software developers providing the music, games, and news applications that Apple and Android thrive off of. This will make it especially difficult for the Blackberry 10 to be successful in North America therefore RIM expanding geographically is a risk and endeavor that is worth taking in order for Blackberry to stay in the game alongside companies like Samsung, Google, and Apple. It seems as though Blackberry is having to work harder and harder to stay afloat in the dangerous waters of mobile technology and advancements.

Sources here

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