Posted by: | 8th Oct, 2012

Re: Samsung’s Great Marketing Tactics

After coming across Hannah Vandenberg‘s recent blog post regarding Samsung’s marketing techniques, I was immediately prompted to blog about this topic as well. I competely agree with Hannah’s stance and viewpoint on the cleverness of Samsung in it’s advertisements. With the release of it’s new Galaxy S III, Samsung saw a rough ride ahead especially with competitor Apple’s new iPhone 5 being released. While some companies would have seen this as an extreme threat, Samsung used this to it’s advantage as it began showing ads comparing the iPhone 5’s out-of-date design and features to the Galaxt S III’s futuristic and advanced technology.

This was a very clever move for Samsung as it was not only able to flaunt it’s new features, but it was able to do so right next to it’s competitor. In showing an advertisement like this, Samsung differentiates itself from Apple’s iPhone and attracts not only new Samsung customers, but also previous Apple customers.

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