Posted by: | 20th Oct, 2012

Save on Meats – A Vancouver treasure

Save on Meats is owned by Mark Brand, a young entrepenuer who has built a reputation for himself in Vancouver. I recently read an article on called Restaurants that Changed Vancouver: Save on Meats. This article focused on the positive social effects that this restaurant had brought to the Vancouver community. Author Katherine Burnett talks about how Brand employs marginalized and unskilled residents of Vancouver’s downtown east side giving them a source of income, feelings of worth in society, and an increased skills base. This article attracted my attention because I had recently learned about social entrepeneurship in my commerce class and I believe Mark Brand can be classified as a social entrepeneur.

A social entrepeneur works to drive social change and create a lasting and transformational benefit for society (Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg, 2007). Mark Brand is working to create a lasting change in Vancouver’s community by providing jobs for the unskilled and unhireable thus taking them off the streets and giving them the opportunity to make a buck. There are many entrepeneurs in the world who have done amazing things to improve the lives of many people just like Mark and I truly hope that more and more entrepeneurs follow in their footsteps so that a better tomorrow can be achieved.

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