Posted by: | 8th Nov, 2012

Energy Aware

After hearing the presentation by Janice Cheam about her company, Energy Aware, I became inspired by her story of how she started out as an entrepenuer and came about starting her own business. I have always dreamed of coming up with some ingenius idea and being able to successfully implement this idea into the community. Janice is living proof that it is possible, one only has to wait until the right idea comes to mind.

Energy Aware is a company that boasts an innovative product to help people keep track of how much electricity they are using in their households. This product, called the Power Tab, will help people be more aware of how much they are currently spending on electricity and hopefully encourage them to use less of it.

Janice, in her presentation, stated that the journey has not been easy. She explained that it has been a long and trying experience trying to find investors and ways to come up with money. My concern for Janice and the success of her business is not whether or not the business will have enough money, it is whether or not the product which it is selling can keep up with the competition. With well known companies such as Black and Decker selling similar products, Energy Aware needs to establish a definite point of difference in the market in order to be noticed beside such large and established companies.

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