Posted by: | 18th Nov, 2012

Apple faces competitors in the tablet market

The once original and innovative iPad that Apple featured way back when is not so original anymore. An article in The New York Times called “The Tablet Market Grows Cluttered” focuses on the numerous amounts of tablets that are now cluttering and crowding the tablet market. Comsumers do not only have to choose how much they are willing to pay for one of these devices, they now have to consider which brand they are looking to purchase from. It is difficult to think of an electronic company these days that does not feature some sort of portable tablet device. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for companies?

The fact that there are so many options in the market for consumers increases the buyer power and level of rivalry. Consumers now have that choice to make; they can weight their options out and choose the one that fits best for them whereas when there weren’t so many, buyer power was weak and they did not have as much of a choice when it came to what brand they would buy from. While Apple is losing its footing as biggest tablet seller, it’s only a matter of time before it creeps back up with a new product.

I see the tablet fad fading out in the future due to the increased entries into the market. There will be something new and more innovative that will outplay the tablet in the electronics sector and then POOF, the tablet will have seemed to disappear and then the vicious cycle of a cluttered market will commence again.

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