The ever so popular Twinkies may soon become a hot commodity
Hostess, the maker of the astronomically popular Twinkies, has announced that they’re going out of business. Their workers going on strike put them in a position that may make it impossible for them to recover, which is why they decided to do so.
They may also have been in a tough position because of a large number of substitute products that are available on the market nowadays. However, the brand recognition that Hostess has with some of its products is huge, which makes it somewhat hard to see how the company was more fragile than it seemed. Could the company have prevented something like this from happening, or was it inevitable? The article stated that retailers stop stocking their products when supplies are inadequate, which may mean the company was unprepared for a situation like this because they didn’t have many days’ worth of inventory on hand.
Many of us grew up having eaten countless Twinkies and other delectable snacks, and a world without them is hard to imagine. I, personally, sometimes get a craving for a Twinkie once in a while and would hate to see them disappear.
Link to article here.