Revised Classwork

This page is dedicated to showcasing my best work completed in English 301, which has been carefully revised and refined to demonstrate my effective writing skills.

Revised Definition Assignment

The Definition assignment was successful in achieving its purpose of enhancing my technical writing skills, particularly in terms of defining complex terms in a clear and concise manner. Through completing the assignment, I was able to learn a great deal about Machine Learning, which contributed significantly to my overall understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, I found the assignment to be informative as it introduced me to the concept of parenthetical definitions, which I had not encountered before. Overall, the Definition assignment provided me with a well-rounded learning experience that was both effective and valuable.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

The Peer Review of the Definition assignment was a valuable experience for me, as it helped me to enhance my editing and peer-reviewing skills. By reading my classmate’s expanded definition of VLAN, I was able to learn a lot about the topic and gain new insights into its complexities. Additionally, the assignment enabled me to utilize my ability to read documents while keeping other perspectives in mind, particularly those from non-technical backgrounds. Overall, the Peer Review of the Definition assignment was a success, as it provided me with a range of valuable learning experiences that will benefit me both in and outside of the classroom.

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report assignments were a valuable learning experience for me, as it helped me to stay organized and on track while working on a complex and lengthy project. The formal report proposal provided me with a solid foundation and a clear understanding of what was expected from me, allowing me to gather my thoughts and approach the project with confidence. The progress report helped me to remain organized and meet all of my deadlines, ensuring that the project was completed on time and to a high standard. Overall, the Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys Assignment was a success, as it enabled me to present my findings in a clear and concise manner.

Revised Proposal Memo

The Proposal Memo assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it taught me how to write a concise and effective memorandum to update others on the progress of an important project. This is a crucial skill that will be useful in the workplace, as I will need to regularly update my superiors on my progress. The assignment provided me with the opportunity to practice and refine my communication skills, enabling me to clearly articulate complex information in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. Overall, the Proposal Memo assignment was a success, as it helped me to develop a range of important skills that will benefit me both in my academic and professional career.

Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn Best Practices Memo assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it highlighted the importance of maintaining an up-to-date and competitive online presence, especially in today’s highly competitive job market. The assignment encouraged me to evaluate my own LinkedIn profile and update it to reflect the best practices that I suggested in my post. Overall, the LinkedIn Best Practices Memo assignment was a success, as it provided me with valuable insights into how to effectively leverage LinkedIn to advance my career goals and stand out in a crowded job market.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

The Memo to Evan Crisp assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it emphasized the importance of maintaining a professional tone in all emails sent in a professional setting, such as school or work. The assignment also taught me the concept of writing with a “You Attitude”, which was a new and valuable skill that I had not been explicitly introduced to before. Overall, the Memo to Evan Crisp assignment was a success, as it helped me to develop my professional communication skills and provided me with valuable insights into how to write effective and persuasive memos in a professional setting.

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

The Peer Review of a Formal Report assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it provided me with the opportunity to peer review my classmate’s formal report draft and offer insight into its effectiveness and grammatical correctness. By reviewing my classmate’s work, I was able to identify minor areas for possible improvement, while also recognizing areas where I could improve my own report as a result. Overall, the assignment was a success, as it helped me to enhance my editing and peer reviewing skills, while also allowing me to learn from my peers and improve my own writing.

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