BlackBerry facing shareholder lawsuit

As our class always focus on blackberry, the untrue statement of Blackberry’s financial  situation entangles Blackberry with the tentacles of the law. A shareholder claim the Blackberry company mislead investors about its future, including how the BlackBerry 10 smartphone line would fare against competitors.

As a matter of fact, BlackBerry 10 system has not been sought after by the market because it lack of technological innovation. Furthermore, the company was forced to lose nearly $ 1 billion in assets and laid off 40% of the employees. The stock price of the Blackberry rapidly falls.

It is absolutely a bad new for Blackberry which is desired to be sold now. From time to time, the performance of Blackberry has fallen rapidly due to miss opportunities in innovation. Blackberry 10 with high expectations is facing marginalization. Blackberry was left no choice but to sell the brand. It is clear that Blackberry is already gone.

You need more money to get a Starbuck coffee in China

In North American countries, Starbuck is a cup coffee which everyone can afford. But in China, Starbuck is advertised as a luxury coffee which is especially for the high class, as its price is 40 percent higher than the price in other countries. What behind the high price of Starbuck in China is the high operating margin. The operating margin in China is far more than it in the United States, even 16 times more than Europe and other regions. The high operating margin supported the rapid expansion of Starbucks in China. Why do Chinese have a lower income but pay more for a simple cup of coffee?

One of the reasons is the company advertise the Starbuck as a luxury brand for the high profit. It kind of represent the high living standard in China. So some people buy it only to show his social status . Another reason is the high cost of transportation in China rise the price. It cost too much in the process transporting the raw material from a harbor to a store. Even though Chinese government have spent bunch of money to improve the infrastructure at the harbor, the tax, shipping costs and agency fees raise the cost.

The world are focusing on the Chinese consumer behavior

As I am studying Consumer Behavior these days on my Econ class, I would like to read news about the famous company’s process of learning consumer behavior. After I did a lot of reading, I get this conclusion. The world are focusing on the Chinese consumer behavior.

To satisfy Chinese consumer, American hotels especially provide slippers. To satisfy Chinese consumer, Korean merchants celebrate the Chinese National Day. To satisfy Chinese consumer, French shops all hire a salesperson who is good at Mandarin. So many companies choose Chinese consumer as their target audience. Why? let the number explains everything. According to the data provided by the U.S. Tourist Association, in 2012, the per capita consumption of Chinese tourists reached $ 6,200. By contrast, the per capita consumption of French tourists is only $ 3,654. In 2012, about 1.5 million Chinese tourists visited the United States which is 200 percent of the number for 2008, and the total expenditures in 2012 was $ 8.8 billion. The numbers are staggering. And it shows a simple rule to the merchants: get the Chinese consumers means get succeeded.

Why does Chinese have so many money to spend in foreign countries? Does this mean China is the richest country right now? Chinese consumers have two reasons for choosing to spend money in foreign countries. One of the reasons is the foreign goods are much cheaper. The same brand, the same style, the same good in china get a much higher price. The other reason is about the high quality of foreign goods. Even the good has the same price in Chinese market and foreign market, the quality of the foreign market’s good is much better than the Chinese market’s. Because of the two reasons above, China is absolutely not the richest. Not to mention the poor living condition and no rights of education in some part of China. Chinese market kind of ‘force’ consumer to choose foreign market.