Make your digital orders!

With significant developments of technology, coffee shops are getting increasingly futuristic.

Tim Hortons has introduced a new feature on its smartphone app, Called Timmy Run, that lets you pick up coffee for the whole office without having to take their orders. The app let you make a list of officemates to include on your coffee runs, and will e-mail them when you’re ready to head out. Your co-workers will have a set amount of time to opt in to the coffee run and place an order. When you get to Tim Hortons, you can present the final order recorded on your app.There’s also a secret list feature, where you can store your friends’ preferred coffee orders and surprise them. Tim Hortons aimed to provide less time getting the coffee and more time enjoying it.

Starbucks, meanwhile, is testing a new feature at select Washington and Nevada drive-thrus. Instead of ordering their frappucino with a speaker, customers will chat through video that they can see the barista.Consumers  are interested in the process of making their orders and the person taking their orders. It made the whole experience so much friendlier and personable.

In the competitive market, the major marketing strategy is satisfying every consumer’s want.

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