Reply on blogs: Layoffs – The optimum solution?

Ha Pham’s blog:

As Ha has mentioned in her blog, layoffs are happened everywhere around the world everyday. From my point of view, there are several reasons.

Ha has mentioned the major reason, which is company’s desire to reduce the high cost and to maximize its profit. In my opinion, it is not a wise choice to fire your employees when you just want to make more money. A company should has a spirit, which would every employee fight for the company. The employees will do their best on every assignment when they feel the company is like a family. In the good days, managers should share the profit and pride with their employees. When bad days come, employees will step out and fight until the last hope.

The rapid development of technology is an another reason. Machine are always more efficient than individuals because they never get tired and seldom make mistakes. But the maintenance issues of machines is always a high cost.

The last reason I want to discussed about layoffs is the unacceptable performance that employees show during the work. This phenomenon due to a larger issue; it’s much easier to get a graduation certificate nowadays. The phenomenon make the company harder to get the suitable guy or the guy they found does not reach the requirement.

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