Snapchat is hot!

This is the blog which told me the surprised new of Snapchat. Say no to 3 billion when you are 23 years old! The CEO of snapchat is damn coooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After being shocked, let me make a analysis on what makes Snapchat so hot.

The major reason is Snapchat changes the way of communication. From year to year, we always believe we chat to others with our language. NOW! Snapchat make you believe pictures,voice and videos can also be an unique way to communicate. The awesome pictures just grab your eyeballs in the few second. You have to admit the person who came up with this idea is admirable. Those picture are not that fancy picture, they can be funny,spoof and sexy. The wonderful picture just keep your friends and you much closer.

Why Snapchat is so hot among teenagers and young adults? Because the CEO of snapchat is young and he knows what the teens exactly want. I am not emphasize on the generation gap but we cannot ignore its existence. When you want to make you products popular, you need to get what the consumer exactly want.

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