Marketing Blog Post #5 – external blog

Secret, Lady Speed Stick, Dove, the list goes on.  Which type of deodorant do YOU use? Does it even matter to you? Personally, I will use any deodorant as long as it “smells nice”.  Lavender, cherry blossom, summerberry, vanilla, pear, bacon, the list seems as though it is never to be exhausted.

Did you just read bacon? Yes you did!  AdFreak has recently posted a post about how “J&D’s Foods-makers of bacon everything-has announced a new bacon-scented deodorant”.  Introducing to you the newest deodorant scent: Power Bacon. The J&D website states that “using Power Bacon will make everyone drawn to you like you were the most powerful magnet on Earth”.

I don’t know about all you readers, but bacon is something I like to smell in the morning in the kitchen, or at the local breakfast diner.  It is most definitely not something I like to smell like throughout the entire day.  To put this into perspective, it is the same as having an omelette scented deodorant, or a pancake batter scented deodorant. How much longer until the newest aisle at your local drug store has an aisle solely dedicated to your favourite breakfast scented deodorants?

After further research on this product, it became apparent that this is not the first bacon-scented product J&D has introduced.  For example, J&D offers bacon scented lip balm, and shaving cream.  Ladies, would you really like to have your legs smell like bacon after shaving? And men, would you really like to have your faces smell like bacon all day?

From a financial standpoint, while this may be a “gag” gift, how much money was spent through manufacturing this product, advertising such a product, in comparison to the profits gained.

This blog post may view this product negatively, however, one must never forget that there are 7 billion people in the world with extremely different opinions.  Below is a video clip of a different take on this product.

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