Marketing Blog Post #6- Team Reflection

While this last assignment may have appeared to be simple at first glance, it most certainly proved itself to be anything but simple. Brainstorming creative ideas, recording, editing, and exporting all seemed like a rudimentary process from the start, however, when put all together this project definitely tested our group’s patience.

From the first day our group came together, we tried our hardest to ensure that the skillset required for this assignment would be fulfilled by at least one member in our group: writing skills, computer software skills, editing skills, presentation skills, and research skills.  Our group worked well together and got along, however, the first problem we ran into was the lack of overlapping breaks.  As a result, the majority of our meetings were done online through various sites.

Our biggest challenge was putting the video together.  I suppose in hindsight all these problems were essentially unavoidable, as none of us could forecast the biggest issue: conversion of a movie file from a mac computer to a PC.  However, as the saying goes, we learned from our mistakes.

I personally believe that you cannot go back and wish you had done anything differently.  Of course mistakes were made, but we learned from our mistakes, and if everything had gone perfectly we would have come out of this assignment with the same skill set we entered with.  I could go on to say that I wish we had finished the first draft of our video a little earlier so that we had more time to re-do our video on a Mac, however, as stated above, if that had been the case I would not have forced myself to learn iMovie.  Our team also would not have presented with the opportunity to work through these speed bumps as a team if everything had been smooth sailing.

Overall, I am content with my group and how the assignments got done.  As we were taught in COMM 296, we capitalized on our strengths, made active attempts at reducing our weaknesses, and grew from our opportunities.

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