TA training CoP meeting: Programming for Returning TAs – February 2018

Returning TAs

Facilitators: Kyle Gooderham; Shaya Golparian

This page gathers notes and thoughts about this meeting.

Facilitated activities:

Why should we offer training for returning TAs?

  • Help them break some bad habits
  • Help them assess their success
  • Deepen their learning
  • Professional Development

Challenges with Programming for Returning TAs

  • redundancies in the TA Training program from year to year
  • needing to scale up competency level
  • Pro D needs of returning TAs
  • Motivation to attend
  • Being able to meet the demand (esp, if you don’t have enough resources)
  • Institutional support around teaching
    • Unit culture that values teaching

Needs of Returning TAs

Sample Programs for Returning TAs

Program 1

Goals of the program:

  • Develop mentorship/leadership skills among returning TAs.
→ Motivation – commitment to ongoing learning

Components of the program:

  • Returning TA Training and orientation re: mentorship (theory and skills)
  • Matching b/w mentor/mentee for term
  • consistency/relationship and match teaching environment
  • TA Training coordinator matches/facilitates program
  • Check-in CoP – “How is it going?” (for mentors)
  • Check-in b/w mentee-mentor
  • Peer review of mentoring
  • Ongoing feedback (between mentors; mentor-mentee; mentee-students; and faculty-mentee (if on board)

Logistics:(When? How long? Who will run the program? What’s needed?)


  • Orientation/training → Aug (Half day/ ~ 4 hrs)
  • Mentee-Mentor→ term (Sept – Dec / Jan – May)
  • Check-in sessions → mid-term ( ~ 2hrs)
  • Feedback → ongoing

What’s needed?:

  • FOOD
  • Faculty- buy-in (i.e: if TAs are paid to attend training)
  • Tangible incentive
    • getting paid for training
    • letter of recognition
  • CTLT support (re:training)

Program 2

Goals of the program:

  • Integrate TAship into broader Prof path
  • Teaching and learning/ Scholarship/Research
  • Novice Expert

Components of the program:

  • Mentorship Program
  • ProD Plan (ie: teaching portfolio)
  • Workshops:
  • Orientation session
  • Departmental ISW
  • Mentoring
  • Teaching Portfolio
  • TA dev. Plan
  • Team/group management
  • Why TA? value of TAship
  • Communication upstream –> advocacy
  • Facilitation
  • Lesson planning/Design
  • Mini-lesson practice (departmental)
  • Community of practice (run by GTAs)

Logistics:(When? How long? Who will run the program? What’s needed?)

  • CTLT support
  • Department support
  • Collaboration with other departments

Program 3

Goals of the program:

  • Motivating and showing value of TAship –> situating in larger career goals
      • ensure program is applicable to their experience/tasks
  • Navigating competing demands (TAship/research/etc)

Components of the program:

  • @TA orientation – what is the value of TAship/ professional development
      • to new TAs: Why come back later?
      • showing a pathway of ProD
      • framing TAship position in their career
        (how to choose sessions)
  • Reflective modules – in each session (10 min)
      • “how will this be used in your future career?research?”
      • provide focus on SKILLS→ “How would I describe on my CV?”
  • TAship in research/career module (for senior TAs) – end of year
    (What have you developed (Skills) and what do you want to work on next year?) — (Motivate for new sessions)
  • How will you talk about your skills?
  • What have you learned?
  • -How apply to research?
  • -How use in career?
  • How will this appear on your CV?
  • What do you want to develop further in?
  • How will you identify future ProD?

Logistics:(When? How long? Who will run the program? What’s needed?)

  • Simplified, these are modifications for Exp TAs in existing programs
  • Could be run with multi-departments
  • TAship in research/career module (for senior TAs)
      • offered for senior TAs and offered at the end of the year
      • possible shared (multi-dept)
      • collects reflections from each session
      • could include new TAs – “Along for the ride’ but mostly targeting senior TAs