TA training CoP meeting: TA Attendance – November 2018

Facilitators: Negar M. Harandi (Applied Science); Shaya Golparian (CTLT)

This page gathers notes and thoughts about this meeting.

Learning Objective for the session:

  • Identify different strategies to encourage (new and returning) TA participation in TA Training workshops.

Facilitated activities:

Brainstorming: What are some possible reasons that TAs do/don’t show up to TA Training?

Which ones speak to (lack of) motivation:

  • Money – Paying TAs
  • Sessions not being mandatory
  • Food
  • Apathy for new TAs
  • Fear  – needing help with TA ship
  • Priority and value of TA Training (why training?) – Faculty/departmental culture
    • TAship not being a priority
    • Value of TAship for future careed
    • Killam Award
  • Gain teaching experience
  • Relevance
  • Certification
  • Name of TA Training Program
    • Packaging workshops in a way that would look good on CV
  • Connect Training/ProD + TA awards
  • Efficiency (Separate basic skills from “improving skills” so TAs know which sessions are more relevant to them.

Which ones speak to other reasons:

  • Time – Busy schedule – something else is more pressing
    • Time commitment for TAship
    • Managing other academic crisis
    • Time of TA Training (timing) – Timeliness and relevance
  • Fear of not knowing how to TA

What are some of the strategies that we can use to encourage TA Participation in TA Training programs/workshops that link with Intrinsic Motivation:

Extrinsic Motivation/Strategy Advantage Disadvantage Applicability to Returning TAs
  • Food
    • All day  = B,L,D (?)
    • Snacks
  • Bring People together.
  • Basic Needs Met.
  • Guilt/Social ‘contract’ to stay.
  • =$$$
  • Big budget
  • Logistics (who gets order, delivers, dietary restrictions.
Money $$
  • Make it mandatory
  • Universal “liquid asset”
  • If mandatory, scheduling and planning is harder
  • Even if mandatory they might still not attend.
    • Accountability & enforcement.
      • Who tracks?
      • Who enforces?
  • More costly than food.
(Timing in cases)
Certificate (or CV line builder)
  • Recognition (reinforces value of TA Training)
  • Positive impact on culture
  • Cost effective
  • Rules! (150 hours requirement in order to be called “certificate”)
  • Planning/logistics
    • Schedule conflicts
    • who signs the certificates
    • Who tracks attendance
    • Continuity
    • Institutional Memory
  • Money
  • CV line
  • Feeling valued
  • Funding
  • Admin
  • Limited
Community network
  • Relationships
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Connections (future employment)
  • Needs a champion
  • Varied success rate
  • Time commitment
✓ If TA values network
Consequences and repercussions
  • Attendance
  • Cost effective
  • Active Participation
  • Administration of consequences (student push back)


Intrinsic Motivation/Strategy Advantage Disadvantage Applicability to Returning TAs
  • Skill Development
  • Collegiality
  • Cost-effective
  • Informal relationship
  • Participation
  • Accountability
Non-Mandatory Training
  • Skill development
  • Timing
 yes with new content
Community Building
  • Sharing experiences
  • Need a champion
Personal Growth/Professional Development
  • Not traditional “TA Training”
Session on TA –> Career
  • Identifies and articulates transferable skills
  • Get people to come
Needs Assessment
  • Get to know what they want & need
  • Knows that their voice and needs are heard
  • Good Q’s
  • Connection with sessions

Strategies for Engaging Returning TAs:

  • Call to nostalgia
    [Graduate TAs see value in TAship]
  • Create map of opportunities i.e.: year-based pathway
    • Pathway:
      • PD
      • Instructorship
      • NGO
      • Etc.
