TA training CoP meeting: TA Attendance/Participation in TA Training – March 2018

TA Attendance/Participation in TA Training

Facilitators: Joseph Topornycky; Shaya Golparian

This page gathers notes and thoughts about this meeting.

Facilitated activities:

What are some possible reasons that TAs show up to TA Training?

  • Pay them to come
  • Anxious about new duties (Some felt the need; addressing critical incidents) —> Consider: How do you offer TAs what they need when they need it
  • Framed as job prep/wider skills
  • It is normalized in the department
  • Sense of integration & Purpose (through: Reflective practice; Application; Check-in/follow up) – What are the take aways?
  • Community connection (W/peers)
  • Aligned with what skills are needed first year/second year, etc
  • Recognizing the Value of a TAship?

What are some possible reasons that TAs don’t show up to TA Training?

  • Time/Competing demands
  • not being prioritized or not required
  • not urgent and/or feeling confident already (i.e.: “I’m fine with this topic already”)
  • timing irrelevant for semester schedule/TA tasks (i.e: too late to be valuable or too early for the value to be recognized)
  • Not clear what they can get out of it!
  • No systematic TA Evaluation
  • Needs assessment from last year is outdated (not relevant to incoming TAs)
  • the name “TA Training” is not academic/professional sounding
  • looks like limited scope (TAing vs Teaching career)
  • Professional Development language sounds better
  • “Went to some session already, wasn’t useful”
  • Too many thing on offer
  • TAs are going to other departments’ TA Training (e.g. BioTAP)
  • home program not advertised –> Suggestion: Have a website(?)
  • already took ISW and think that covers TA Training
  • TAs don’t know the TA Training in the department as a program
  • Many don’t know what they need
  • may not always consider deeper/longer term needs

Side Note: TA’s don’t always know what TA evaluations mean or how to read them

Group Activities

Group 1: How do you connect TA Training to TA values and larger goals?

  • First Session: Connect TA works to how to be a professional in academia or elsewhere
Have them come up with ideas
  • More regular informal sessions with just TAs (to build community)
  • Each Session: How could what you have learned apply beyond TAship
Follow up on 1st session
  • Connecting sessions to other professional development topics/needs

Group 2: How do you communicate the connection between TA Training and TA larger goals?

  • Well organized website (information; images; resources)
  • Change the name of the Program
  • Tell in advance what the session is about
  • Bring in people that can speak to how Teaching Professional Development (i.e.: TA Training) has helped them in their professional (or personal) lives, and helped them achieve their bigger goals.
  • Have TAs brainstorm their goals and speak to how training sessions can help them meet those goals.
  • Offer certification for skills not attendance (perhaps attendance + evidence of application of workshop in their roles as TAs)