The Shape of a Brand

Once again, I was looking for inspiratioin for my next post within my classmates blogs, when I came across Aleksandar Novakovic’s blog post entitled “A Colourful Impact.” Alex’s post talks primarily about the psychological impacts which different colour have on human beings, but he also talked about how a brands colour can be come one of its primary identifying features. In doing this he referenced the in class excerise where we identified numerous brands based on a small part of their logo, and how instrumental the colour scheme is to making a brand identifiable.

I agree with Alex that colour is important but going back to the in class exercise, the shape of the logo, and the shapes within the logo played an equally important role in identification. The lines that make up the IBM logo, the arches of McDonalds, Nike’s swoosh, and the one of a kind font that makes up Coke’s logo are all recognizable in whole or in part, and in black and white or vibrant colour. This level of indentifiablility may may or may not stem from relationships which people subconciously form between certain shapes and feelings, but it certainly makes me wonder about all of the considerations which go into creating an imediately distinguishable trademark. I also think, it stands as a true testament to the power of branding, and the size of the impact which repeated exposure to an image can have on a consumers ability to remember and recall an image