In response to Vivan Lee’s blog post on IBM and Twitter’s alliance, I agree that this poses as a competitive advantage but I believe that the combination of social data and enterprise may soon become a point of parity what with Facebook and Google offering consumer data to businesses as well. Further partnerships may consolidate this data into one complete source that allows businesses to market to their customer segments at their full potential.
- Making a Deal (Source: UniversalFunding)
Although this may not be a lasting competitive advantage, I see it as a good move for these two firms. Integrating the components that make up a person’s life is a smart move to improve business strategies in the current digital age.
Once again, the consumer data that is being sold may raise privacy issues for many people, but these internet platforms are extremely public and I’m sure that we have all breezed past the terms of service without much thought. My thought on this is that I don’t particularly mind if it means that businesses will be catering to our potential needs and knowing what we want based on our personal data.